Rich Corbridge

The thoughts, impressions & sometimes the ramblings of a digital leader

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Manual Of Me

Joining a new organisation and becoming the new boy again is daunting. A great friend of mine recently moved roles inside the NHS and created a ‘Manual Of Me’ to share with his new colleagues, I loved the idea so… Read More

Ten Skills for Tomorrow

Recently an infographic of the most important skills to have and to recruit in 2024 popped up on LinkedIn. It is a really interesting list and it got me thinking how do we define these capabilities, how do we go… Read More

Review of 2022

So another year ends. Personally an amazing year with dream after dream coming true with the most amazing people I could wish to be with. For TEN years the review of the year has evolved and changed and sometimes the… Read More

Blind spot impacts & avoiding them now..

How we need to avoid our blind spot hampering our journey. What is our blind spot for change? The idea is not right alongside the vehicle you are in. The idea is a little back, in the blind spot, on… Read More

Ditch the generic terms to build better engagement.

Generic terms and generic answers and how we need an evolving language to build more engagement in digital. When we consider how we talk about technology and its impact I would dearly love us to get away from generic terms… Read More

We all have a bad day occasionally…

We all have bad days, yes? Working in IT in any environment sometimes feels like the world set up this morning with a clear goal, to discredit what we are trying to achieve. All the platitudes of business transformation at… Read More

How to ‘make’​ Innovation land…

The way we ‘make’ innovation land is changing for so many reasons. Last week I was part of two conversations that made me think again about how we, as digital leaders, are responsible for innovation and change across the width… Read More

In a digital world consider analog.

Rich Corbridge (CIO Boots UK & Ireland) and Jawaz Illavia (CIO No7 Beauty Company, Global Sourcing, International Retail and Healthcare Futures) are two CIOs who have led technology and transformation at very different organisations until coming to WBA as senior leaders outside of… Read More

Tim Berners Lee

Now before you read any more of this then please accept that I am a Tim Berners Lee fan boy for so many reasons. The obvious being his knowledge and achievements but also how he conducts himself, his thought process… Read More

Digital First Leaders

“Be Present” Rich: You don’t know if you are a great boss, but you really want to be! You try to be informed, aware, charismatic and fair, and you lead your team with confidence, but how can you tell, how… Read More

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